Ok, I have been negligent on my blogging duties once again… here’s the NEW list of excuses… erm, reasons… 1. I watched he Avengers
Infinity War 2. I attended one of my friend’s wedding/reception out in Hau’ula 3. I finally did my taxes 4. I watched my high school play baseball 5. my fantasy baseball team is junk and 6. I had to think up these reasons on the list…
So right off the bat… go watch Avengers
Infinity War. Great movie!!! It pays off 10 years and 19 movies. It hits all the notes and leaves you on the edge of your seat for next year’s movie.
Congrats to Liane and Ryan. They had a Star Wars themes wedding/reception with Boba Fett!!! #rianealliance!!! And thanks to the scenery in Hau’ula, I might have my new design for my business cards!!!
Good luck to the Iolani Raiders baseball team. I’ve known some of these kids since 8th grade and they look to be peaking at the right time of the season. I’m gonna try to get out to the Les and see them play this week.
That’s all I got for this installment… see you next time!