
Here are a few links to some of Ka Hale Ola Massage Therapy’s friends and affiliations.

Association for Bodywork and Massage Professionals

(ABMP): The association we are affiliated with for massage and bodywork professionals.


American Massage Therapy Association

(AMTA): Another association for massage therapists.


American Specialites Health Network

(ASHN): An alternative health care organization providing massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic services.


Blogger page

This is our page that introduces you to our podcasts, “Massage, Bodywork & You“.  Occasionally, I will post other more random bits… but you’ll probably see it posted here first.

We do have a listing on Yelp… if you would like to check it out before you come… or better yet, you want to post someting nice about us… go there…



Our more casual spot on the web, please add us as a friend!!!



If you still have this, you can be our friend here too!



A website that shows what we’re doing in 140 characters or less! Feel free to friend me here too!!!


Taira Chiropractic

A fellow Oregon State alum, friend, and chiropractor in Honolulu.


The No No Boys

A reggae/rock bad from Hawaii with one of my fellow Iolani classmates!