HAPPY NEW YEARS Ka Hale Ola Massage Therapy BLOG readers!!!
I am sorry for not posting during the holiday season… Between the usual good stuff like work at the office, baking for family and friends, and going out and about to spend time with everyone, I was rear ended by some stupid kid the day after Christmas right by my office.
I am ok (in fact, I went back to work the following Monday, a little tight on the right side of my neck, but surprisingly unharmed) because my car took the brunt of the damage… In fact, it is totalled. Back bumber destroyed, back window blown out, driver side back door wedged shut, my driver side car seat was in fact, unbolted off the floor at impact… so imagine one second, you’re looking forward and then the next you’re looking up at the ceiling… yeah. The guys excuse was that he was handing something to his kid in the back… with his wife also in the car in the passenger seat. Dumbass could’ve conceivably killed his kid and wife if in fact that’s what he was doing… but I’m sure he was just been a dumb ass and been checking his phone. Regardless, he’s responsible and of course, now liable.
It is difficult to look back on 2015 without it being tainted by what happened at the end of the year. I guess the accident puts things into perspective as well. The usual adages/ plattitudes all kind of make sense and seem like more than just worthless drivel… “carpe diem”, “be thankful for what you have”, “your health is most important”, “YOLO”… So yeah, that was that…
Moving on… Did all of you see Star Wars
The Force Awakens? If not, go see it… well worth your time and money. It’s got all the things you want
Action, nostalgia, intrigue, lightsabers!!!!
I also heard that one of my former coaches, Allan Sato was inducted into the HPU hall of fame!!! Congratulations and so deserving for everythng he did for that program!
And speaking of the Hall of Fame, one of my childhood baseball heroes, Ken Griffey Jr. was inducted into the MLB HOF!!! Junior did things the right was… was beyond reproach during the steroid era, and played the game with a passion and joy you don’t see with many of todays superstars. For those that are too young to have remembered him, check out youtube.
And so with that, the first blog post of the year is done…