Hello again!
Sorry for not posting on the blog for a bit… it’s been pretty hectic at the office thanks to expiring Amazon Local vouchers. And then when you combine the copious amounts time spent in traffic everyday, having to coach, and trying to have a life outside of the office, you can see why I don’t necessarily feel like merely venting on the blog… sounded like just a long winded excuse, huh… well, yeah, it was…
But yes, I have been busy at the office trying to take care of as many customers with vouchers as I can. For the most part, most customers have been quite cordial when trying to schedule. Jan and I are very appreciative of that fact. As compared to our previous experiences with Groupon and Crowdsavings, the Amazon Local customer has been infintely better, especially when it comes to the expiring voucher…
It seems as though an expiration date is the bane of existence for some people. They don’t believe expiration dates exist; some develop a blindness, inability to understand English, or lose their sense of reading comprehension when perusing their vouchers; or maybe even, they feel that these dates just simply do not apply to them!!! Whatever the case may be, what ever affliction they may possess, with some level of remorse or kindness, we try to accomodate you as best as we can. However, there have been instances where these people decide to demand forcefully as if we owe it to them to bend over backwards because they think they are in the right.
On example stands out above the rest. It was a Groupon customer. Jan and I were swamped on a Saturday; we were fully booked that day. at 5pm, we get a phone call that Jan decided to answer. I hear portions of Jan’s discussion with the lady with Jan saying, “I’m sorry, but we are closed for the day… no we are not available Sunday… yes, but you’ve had 6 months to redeem your voucher”. When she gets off the phone, she tells me that this lady started yelling at her, demanding an appointment, and asking why can’t she make one today. I just laughed because what else could I do…
Those last minute ones are the best or worst depending on your perspective. I understand that you’re busy, we all are. Tell me you’re sorry, that you’ve been super busy, but be cool about it, and I will honor the voucher or extend the date of useage. But calling me rude or insensitive (or a horrible asshole!!!) because it’s your fault isn’t gonna ingratiate me to do anything for you.
So yeah… I guess it did turn into a ventfest… crap… I’ll have to come up with something sunnier later!!!